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  • 585Wp-CS7L-MB-AG
  • BiHiKu7-BifacialSERIES
  • China
  • Mono Perc
  • Efficiency 20.70%

585Wp CS7L-MB-AG CanadianSolar Solar Series Alpha (360-450)Wp Get Price

Power 585w Efficiency 20.7% using Mono Perc cell with 30 year Linear performace warranty ,Power tolerance -0/+10W,Wind speed 130kmph / 2400 Pascal,Made in China with certifications like ammonia and salt mist

What country is this manufacturer from ?

CanadianSolar is a solar panel manufacturer from China Bi Facial

Is CanadianSolar better than competitors ?

The 585Wp CS7L-MB-AG model of series BiHiKu7 Bifacial (575-660)Wp has an efficiency of 20.7% with an area of 2.83m2.
Higher panel efficiency and lower panel area is the preferred form factor for solar panels. The solar cell technology used in this model is Mono Perc which requires less roof space
The No 1 ,2,3 reason for failure in solar panel is back sheet , solar glass coating and mechanical design.

Is this solar panel model compatible with popular solar inverter models ?

Solar panels , especially the highly marketed latest ones MAY NOT be compatible with solar inverter models due to technology gap between them This solar panel model has an output current of 17.06 Amps. Imagine the current from panels as vehicle traffic that goes to the highway , the inverter , which shouldnt be narrower .To avoid loss of power the outgoing solar panel output current must be less (or equal) to the maximum allowed input current of common inverter models typically at 13-15 Amps.

What is the mechanical strength of this solar panel ?

The wind mechanical strength of this model is 2400 (Pa) , same as industry standards.The wind speed of this model is 130 kmph. Select panels with industry best Wind Speed here

What is the warranty of BiHiKu7 Bifacial (575-660)Wp series of solar panel ?

This 585 Wp model is warranted 510Wp at the end of 20 years.At the end of life , recycling of a solar panel due to lead , cross linked plastics in back sheet can be impossible. By some estimate this waste can stack up to the moon and back. Select one of the following models of solar panels to choose recyclable solar panels

Is this solar panel recyclable ?

Choose from these list of researched recyclable solar panels

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